An Inquiry Into Values

‘There is only one kind of person, Phaedrus said, who accepts or rejects the mythos in which he lives. And the definition of that person, when he has rejected the mythos, Phaedrus said, is “insane”. To go outside the mythos is to become insane.’ Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values Robert M Pirsig, I'm midway through my solo motorcycle adventure across the great land of Australia and have just finished reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values by Robert M Pirsig (I know, I know, how corny right? Nevertheless, it’s been a great companion for the past month or so). It was first published in 1974 but is very relevant today I reckon, maybe more so. I read it as a contemplation on living ‘right’, not necessarily ‘right’ according to a set of morals or truths but to an inner clockwork, a spiritual commonsenseness that follows a natural rhythm, kind of like following your heartbeat rather than a doctrine or someone ...