A Year To Breathe

This year I am going to learn how to breathe. Sure, I’ve technically been breathing for close to fifty years now and I’m fairly competent at it. It’s kept me alive this long…thank you autonomic nervous system…but only just. Kind of like surviving on the bare essentials in the desert, then discovering an oasis. Or like being in a foreign country without the language, customs and culture. Then taking a year to learn it, immersing myself in it, and exploring the land and people anew. I want to explore myself and the world anew. I want to learn the language of breath. That’s where this year of learning to breathe begins. It started in Melbourne and is currently in stage Bali. Soon to be elsewhere, and then, who knows where. I needed to intentionally create space. My way of doing this was to uproot and dismantle. Destroy and abandon. Set the explosives and light the fuse. I am sure there are far less drastic ways, but not for this seeker. I am no foreigner to this kind of life-shifting mane...