
Showing posts from March, 2024

A Special Occasion

As I spend the next fifteen or so hours flying home to Brisbane from San Francisco, I am appreciative of the forced time to slow down once again and to reflect. I have been on an extraordinary journey these past thirty days (well, past ninety days…okay, past fifty years…). And for this particular trip I was usually aware of its extraordinariness daily and moment to moment. Meta-aware! I am Meta-aware-man, able to leap tall buildings with a single conscious thought… But now, to capture it in words, in a narrative, transforms my experience into more embodied meaning and then intentionality. I do not want to allow my experience to become just ordinary and slip out of consciousness, and so I create a container of specialness. I alchemise it into what I wish to manifest. I’m a wizard, a magician, a witch…take your pick…playing with the power invested and inherent in this extraordinary life and in me. It sometimes takes a very special occasion to awaken my whole being! It’s been a journey th...