
Showing posts from March, 2025

Jangan Kasih Makanan Monyet (Don't Feeding the Monkeys)

Mantras have been around for thousands of years and are thought to have originated in the ancient Indian Sanskrit Vedas, the spiritual texts of Hinduism. Mantras were incantations that were believed to have magical, religious or spiritual powers to influence the gods. They underwent a revival and popularisation in Western culture during the human potential movement that gained momentum post-World War II. Many of us use mantras today, both spiritually and cognitively. I once heard the definition of mantras explained as ‘mind-mapping’. This resonates with me. For this is what they do for me, they guide me to a place in my mind and consciousness that I wish to go. Somewhere important. It’s an adjustment of perspective and experience, away from my monkey mind (no offence intended monkeys who might be reading this). They lead me back to the divine within. Mantras are particularly useful when I’m lost in my mind and experience of the world, and I'm away from my spiritual centre. It is th...