
Showing posts from February, 2024

Choosing My Religion

I’ve discovered the meaning of life. And I don’t think it’s 42 as suggested by Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Although, close possibly, if you accept one theory that suggests Adams’ use of 42 was symbolic code derived from the dominant computer programming language of the time, ASCII. In this language 42 is the code for the asterisk (*) which represents a kind of wildcard: ‘a variable input by the end user and not by the computer program’. So, essentially anything and everything that one chooses. But who knows what Adams was thinking. Okay, so maybe not the universal, absolute meaning of life, but the meaning of my life. And right now, anyhow. And I suspect for sometime to come…probably until my death. The meaning of my life is this: religion. But not as most of us have conventionally known it to be. And not religiosity or fervour either. I am discovering, creating and divining my own unique Andrew shaped religion. Totally unsuitable for every other Andrew and eve...

The Space Between Things: Sedona & Everywhere

Sedona is an extraordinary place. It’s visually and viscerally striking and rich with spirit. The people are warm and welcoming. They’re interesting and stimulating. The air is crisp and wholesome. And these words, by the way, don’t even come close to the experience I had at Sedona. Words cannot do this place any justice. I know this is a tired cliche, but there are no other words to articulate my sense of no-words-being-able-to-capture-the-experience-of-this-place. It needs to be experienced. Sedona is known for being a great big energy ‘vortex’. Moreover, it is suggested to contain various sites of focussed vortex energy. What is a vortex? In this context, they are known to be unique locations that produce special kinds of energy flow, generally energy upflows or inflows, that have the capacity to connect those in its proximity to, not only the four conventionally known dimensions of time and space, but to the other six that superstring theory suggests exist but cannot fully explain,...